Game background:
You're an FBI detective.
Problem: someone in your department is an enemy spy.
Your full department has been brought in. You must question each other to
discover the spy.
What you need to play:
- 4-12 people.
- All in same room or same Zoom call
- Each has their own phone, computer, or tablet.
Game objectives:
The spy: try to guess the round's location. Infer from
others' questions and answers.
- Other players: figure out who the spy is.
Gameplay flow:
Round length: 6-10 minutes. Shorter for smaller groups,
longer for larger.
The location: round starts, each player is given a
location card. The location is the same for all players (e.g., the bank) except for one player, who is randomly given the "spy" card. The spy
does not know the round's location.
Questioning: the game leader (person who started the
game) begins by questioning another player about the location.
Example: ("is this a place where children are welcome?").
Answering: the questioned player must answer. No follow
up questions allowed. After they answer, it's then their turn to ask
someone else a question. This continues until round is over.
No retaliation questions: if someone asked you a question
for their turn, you cannot then immediately ask them a question back for
your turn. You must choose someone else.
Location card:
Players guessing the spy:
Putting up for vote: at any time, a player can try to
indict a suspected spy by putting that suspect up for vote. They must say
"I'd like to put (player x) up for vote." Then go one by one clockwise
around the circle, and each player much cast their vote if they're in
agreement to indict.
Vote must be unanimous to indict: the vote must be
unanimous to indict the suspect: if any player votes no, the round
continues as it was. Each person can only put a suspect up for vote once
per round. Use it wisely!
Spy is indicted: if a player is indicted, they must
reveal whether or not they are the spy and the round ends.
Spy guessing the location:
Spy guesses: at any time, the spy can reveal that they
are the spy and make a guess at what the location is. The round
immediately ends.
Round ends when:
Indictment: group successfully indicts a player after
voting OR
Spy guesses: spy stops the round to make a guess about
the location OR
- No time left: clock runs out
Scoring and who wins:
Spy Victory
The spy earns 2 points if no one is successfully indicted
of being the spy
The spy earns 4 points if a non-spy player is
successfully indicted of being a spy
The spy earns 4 points if the spy stops the game and
successfully guesses the location
Non-Spy Victory
- Each non-spy player earns 1 point
The player who initiated the successful indictment of the spy earns
2 points instead
Running total:
You can play for as many rounds as you'd like. Whoever has the most points
at the end of the target number of rounds is the overall game winner.